List Of Travellers (LOT)

  • These documents are issued by European Union (EU) member states, and allow school pupils who reside in the issuing country, but are not nationals of any EU member state, to undertake school trips. Pupils named on the List of Travellers form are not required to obtain a visa before travelling. The documents are issued in accordance with the decision of the Council of the European Union of 30 November 1994 (94/795/JHA).
  • LOT forms may be used to travel to all EU member states. LOT forms may also be used to travel to countries which are not members of the EU but are part of the Schengen Area, in accordance with Council Regulation 539/2001.
  • Pupils must also carry a travel document which is acceptable for travel to their destination country (such as a passport or national identity card), unless the issuing country has authorised the LOT to be used as a travel document. In this case the pupils may carry identification cards bearing a photograph, or the issuing country will include photographs of the pupils on the LOT form. Not all EU member states authorise the LOT forms that they issue to be used as travel documents, but LOT forms issued by any country which allows the forms to be used as travel documents may be used as travel documents for all countries which accept LOT forms.
  • Pupils must be travelling as part of a school excursion of a general education school in their country of residence, and may only use the LOT form for a short stay in or transit of the destination country.
  • Pupils using a LOT form must be accompanied by a teacher from their school. The teacher may not use the LOT form as a travel document and is not exempt from any applicable visa requirements.
  • Pupils who do not normally require a visa to travel to the destination country may or may not be listed on the LOT form.