Military ID Cards

  • Military ID Cards are for the most part issued to active-duty military personnel (they can also be issued to eligible family members/dependants, reserve personnel, state employees of the National Guard, civilian employees, eligible contractor personnel, or other non-government department of defence civilians).
  • The Military ID Cards are issued to the above by a country’s department of defence or issuing service branch.
  • Military ID Cards are usually issued in credit card size format. The cards will have the insignia of the issuing service branch with a photograph of the military personnel clearly shown on the front with details of the person’s name and signature.
  • Active duty personnel will have a Common Access Card (CAC), which is an encrypted smart card containing personal information, as well as access to defence computer networks and systems.
  • Most military ID Cards will state on the card the personnel’s date of birth, sex, weight, hair and eye colour.
  • The cards will also contain a start date and expiry date.
  • Military ID Cards may be used in lieu of a national passport when entering and exiting specific countries and also may entitle the holder to visa exemptions for certain countries.
  • In most cases, the passenger must also hold a travel/leave/movement order alongside the ID card. These will be issued by the passenger’s military base. These documents do not have a standard format, but will include the soldier’s details, and often contain a validity date.
  • Please note: Military ID cards have many variations. Some cards may look significantly different from the image blow.
    • Military ID Card


    • Front

    • Back

From Department of Defense Common Access Card.