North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949 (NATO)
- NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European states.
- Military personnel from one NATO member state are able to travel to another NATO member state without a work visa or permit if they are travelling on official business. In order to do so, they must carry their official military identity document and NATO travel orders.
- Other NATO staff and their immediate family may be required to apply for a special NATO visa in the country to which they wish to travel.
The NATO member states are:
Country | Country Code | |
Albania | ALB | |
Belgium | BEL | |
Bulgaria | BGR | |
Canada | CAN | |
Croatia | HRV | |
Czech Republic | CZE | |
Denmark | DNK | |
Estonia | EST | |
France | FRA | |
Germany | D | |
Greece | GRC | |
Hungary | HUN | |
Iceland | ISL | |
Italy | ITA | |
Latvia | LVA | |
Lithuania | LTU | |
Luxembourg | LUX | |
Montenegro | MNE | |
Netherlands | NLD | |
Norway | NOR | |
Poland | POL | |
Portugal | PRT | |
Romania | ROU | |
Slovakia | SVK | |
Slovenia | SVN | |
Spain | ESP | |
Turkey | TUR | |
United Kingdom | GBR | |
United States of America | USA |
"North Atlantic Treaty Organization (orthographic projection)" from Wikimedia Commons, used under CC BY 3.0